Why Did We Get Started?

Each Of Us Was Purposed To Make A Difference
For three decades we have had the delight of working with marketplace people who have discovered that business is a calling.
Even more today than ever before people are looking for work that has meaning and are no longer content just to go to a job and pick up a pay check, they want to do work that will impact the world.
We've developed the rēp business training program that gives people the skills and tools they need to go into the nations and impact society positively.
What is our purpose?
"Repurposing leaders and corporations to discover and implement personal and corporate callings, thereby transforming communities and nations."
God has long used work and business as vehicles for his plans on earth. In centuries past a fictitious divide between work & worship, business & ministry crept into our thinking. Our goal is not to get God into business, but to get businesses into God's business.
Our tagline is Repurposing Business-Transforming Society®. Business is a key sector of society and can be an agent for positive change. We therefore generally start with business when engaging leaders and corporations. We also work with the other sectors of society as we aim for holistic transformation of a city or society.

rēp 100: Keys to Kingdom Business
A foundation laying, fast-paced, introduction class. The sessions trace God's design for integral involvement in and current plans for business.
Click Here To Learn More About rēp 100

Frameworks: Convergence Study
The book titled Convergence is now backed by a Study Guide that includes DVD's and testimonials. The Convergence Study is for people who want to find their role in the broader context of what God desires to do in the world. It focuses on the imperatives for marketplace professionals wanting to explore the integration of occupation and vocation. It is a seven-part study with daily guidance for exploring topics.
- What is Convergence, and Why do we need it?
- The 4-Cs: Career, Calling, Community & Creativity
- Understanding God's timing and seasons
- Seasons on the Journey toward Convergence
- (Re)Choosing your Spouse
- As you begin your Journey (University of the Desert)
- Convergence and Church Leaders.
Formation: Repurposing Business Training
Our training modules explore key drivers of business from a biblical perspective. Using systematic frameworks and The Institute’s 10-P Model®, we address questions such as:
- What is God’s business?
- What is God’s purpose for a business?
- How does He develop products, and can we develop products with the Holy Spirit as collaborator?
- What are God’s marketing principles and techniques, and how do they apply today?
- Does scripture favour one economic model over another? And what does the bible say about debt, interest, capital and working capital?
- How does one integrate faith and order in a business?
- How do rationale and revelation co-exist in a Spirit-led business?
- How does a non-business-owner have influence? How did the Josephs and Daniels do it?
- What is the legitimate sphere of influence of a corporation? Will God hold them accountable for everyone the business could have served?
- How does one get a business into God’s Business?
Freedom: The Big Weekend
A highlight for the many hundreds who have taken part, this time away from the rush of training and core business content gives time to reflect on your journey, review the successes and challenges of life, and bring God into every aspect of your past and present. Check out the video to get a flavour of the weekend.
Field-Prep: Venture Bootcamp
Once you have received a Certificate of Completion and attended The Big Weekend you are eligible to attend a pre-Venture Bootcamp. This will equip you to assist with repurposing a corporation during a Venture. Training will cover:
- Assessments
- Scorecarding
- Client Deliverables
- Cross-cultural orientation

Field-Work: Ventures
Having trained over 1,000 people, we know that information without application has limits. When the knowledge and skills you develop throughout the Repurposing Business Training are shared with a business owner in another nation, the truths learned in the classroom come alive. Likewise, if you own a business “back home” and immediately begin to apply the truths you are learning, your understanding and personal transformation goes to a deeper level.
We strongly encourage you to couple the classroom experience with real-life application by going on a “Venture” - think of as a short-term business/missions trip. We have taken 50+ teams, comprising of about 15 people to South Africa, Indonesia, India, Egypt, Nigeria and Israel.
Fulfillment At Work: rēp Applied
rēp Applied empowers rēp alumni to take the principles from the training and focus them on your specific daily work context and environment.
After the Repurposing Business Training and Ventures many alumni ask “What’s next?” If you miss the fellowship of like-minded individuals with a common worldview, the intellectual stimulation, discussions, and community, rēp Applied is a logical next step.
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