Learn To Practically Plan, Implement And Measure In A Way That Produces Good Returns For Today And For Eternity
“What’s measured improves,” so said Peter Drucker, famed management theorist. If we measure (and place value on) the wrong things then the wrong things are amplified. Business leaders aim for “the bottom line.” In the Kingdom of God we know the bottom line is not the bottom line. How then shall we measure? What shall we measure? How do we responsibly and practically plan, implement and measure in a way that produces good returns for today and for eternity?
The scorecarding class fits is part of the overall curriculum from The Institute that equips marketplace ministers for their role in the world. Those who take the Scorecarding Class have generally completed the 100 series Class on Repurposing Business. Scorecarding is part of the "200 - Readiness to Venture" Class that includes The Big Weekend, Scorecarding, Radical Integrated Living, Cross-cultural Training (before a Venture) and the Venture and debrief itself.
Sign Up Today
Sign up for the Scorecarding class today and dive into practical planning, implementing and measuring strategy for today and for eternity.
How Is The Class Structured?
After you've signed up you'll be enrolled in a class where you will work on the first 3 lessons on your own. The course is based on Chapter 10 in the Repurposing Business Consultant Manual.
We will do Lessons 4, 5 and 6 together on a Zoom call. This will work through the Strategies, Action Items and Key Performance Indicator using case studies and practical examples.
We will touch on Giants and Spheres of Society since this is a unique aspect of The Institute’s scorecard. The key is to directly map business strategies to challenges in society so that organizations can deliberately make the world a better place… and measure whether they are doing what they aspire to do.
The last three sections of the Scorecarding Class will be tackled on a just-in-time basis when participants in training decide to engage with rēp in a Venture.
Below are the first 3 lessons, which you'll go through on your own.
What You Will Get Out Of This Class
Access To Resources
You will receive soft-copy extracts from the Consultant Manual and Transforming Society with free access to The Institute’s 10-P Scorecard for your organization for a year.
Case Studies & Live Examples
Through the use of case studies and live examples, the class will help you “land the plane” on the theory of God and work, making learned truths practical
Develop Skills For Practical Strategy
As you go through this class you will become sharpened and more proficient in developing practical strategies across all areas of your organization.
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Sign Up Today
If we measure (and place value on) the wrong things then the wrong things are amplified. Sign up today.