The Best Biz Resources From Brett Johnson
Find all you need to run, lead, build and pioneer an effective business through these free and paid resources from Brett Johnson Biz.
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We have multiple resources to support your Kingdom Business journey. What questions are you asking? Find your question and follow the links.
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LEMON For Lovers
Understand and appreciate your loved ones with the LEMON for Lovers class online. Get equipped with all the tools you need to enhance your relationship and grow together in greater harmony and intimacy.

Transforming Society
It's one thing to impact your society in a small way, but what might it look like to be part of transforming the whole society in a great way? This class is designed to equip and empower world changers.

rēp 100: Keys to Kingdom Business
This introductory class will lay a foundation for discovering your work as worship, your career as a calling, and your business as ministry. Barriers between the so-called "secular" and "sacred" will begin to crumble.

LEMONpreneur Class
The world desperately needs Entrepreneurs. The challenges faced by Entrepreneurs are significant, however, so this class is going to help you recognize and overcome the challenges that are tied to who you are... how you are wired. Your leadership DNA will be a huge factor in determining whether you are successful.

Core rēp Training
Join with thousands who have figured out the real meaning of work and the true purpose of business.
rēp 101: Business On Purpose
rēp 102: Innovating With God
rēp 103: Build People Who Build Businesses
rēp 104: Companies Formed On God's Foundations
rēp 105: Light In Every Facet

Imprinted in the core of our being is a desire for our life to make sense.
Convergence is critical, yet too few people experience it. Discover the fingerprints of God on your life as you integrate key aspects of life and journey through predictable seasons on your road to Convergence.

Bizcipleship for Kingdom Couples
Bizcipleship is a cohort of working people who are not just discussing the theology of business but integrating being a disciple and being in business. The bigger opportunity, however, is businesses that integrate disciple-making into core business processes.

Kingdom Economics
Scripture outlines economic principles that are sometimes different from the systems in the world... but few know and practice "kingdom economics." This class will renew your thinking, build your faith, stretch you imagination and encourage practical application.

LEMON Leadership Accreditation
FREE Transforming Society Book Chapter
Fill in your details below to receive a copy of the chapter Brett speaks about in Season 9 Episode 18 of the Repurposing Business podcast.
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The Latest Books In Our Library

NEW: The Power of Households
For two decades Brett Johnson has seen the transformative truth about the biblical concept of "households" change the heads, hearts and hands of business owners, CEOs and other leaders. The revelations about the scope, responsibilities and benefits of household have been challenging, empowering and inspiring.

Repurposing People
This book is about the ABC's of finding and growing people who fit your culture and are passionate about your purpose. If 'The Great Resignation' fever has struck you or you are reconsidering your work trajectory, this book is for you.

All 5 types of leaders can be on an entrepreneurial journey - Luminaries, Entrepreneurs, Managers, Organizers, and Networkers (LEMON)...they just do it differently -This book makes the case that we need to rethink entrepreneurship. Understand this and you are free to enter a whole new world, the world of the LEMONpreneur.

Work Like God In 31 Ways
Many have spoken about working for God; in recent times the trend is to work with God. But how do you work LIKE God? Recapturing the essence of work is essential to restoring dignity to humankind since work is so integral to our lives. Does God work? How does God work? How can we work like God? These are topics we dive into in this short book.

LEMON for Lovers
LEMON for Lovers provides valuable insights on how to understand, communicate with, and relate to the “significant others” in your life, including your spouse and children. It is a complement to LEMON Leadership, also by Brett Johnson, and, together with the online LEMON for Lovers assessment, provides valuable insights on how to strengthen relationships.

Cycles - A Journey to Purpose
The novel, Cycles, is set in Silicon Valley where a business owner contemplates selling the company he founded. Journey with Mark Green as he wrestles through the big issues of why he is in business; who's the boss; connecting with Teresa, his wife, and grappling with 21st Century mindsets of colleagues that are very different from his own.

This land is your land, this land is my land
Many are talking about the “expropriation of land without compensation” being proposed by the ANC ruling party in South Africa. The government has called for comment, and this is a response laying out foundational principles and probing questions on the land matter based on a review of what scriptures says on these matters.

Repurposing Capital
If you are looking for quick, flippant or formulaic answers to economic crises this book is not for you. If you are prone to polarization then you may take offense at the way in which Foundational Principles are suggested to be true across the board. If however, you are genuinely curious about how financing and faith inform each other, read on.

reStart: How to reset your foundations
50 principles for restarting your life, business or organization based on the experiences of Moses and the Israelites and their exodus from Egypt.
If you are looking for quick, flippant or formulaic answers to economic crises this book is not for you. If you are prone to polarization then you may take offense at the way in which Foundational Principles are suggested to be true across the board. If however, you are genuinely curious about how financing and faith inform each other, read on.

Convergence is the stage of life when seemingly separate life-threads are woven together for your ultimate purpose. At this juncture in your life, you have cause to say: "Yes! This is me; this is what my life is for!" Convergence is the integration of Career, Community, Creativity and Call in a way that is unique to each individual.
We usually pass through seven seasons before coming to the point of Convergence. These seasons are crafted by God to shape us into people prepared for his purposes.

The Initiative Index
What women wish men knew about the signals men send.
Women look at men and ask themselves, "Will this man lead me? Will he snag me with charm, and then settle into passivity? Or is he one who will continually take initiative?" It is complicated being a man nowadays. There are many obstacles to men taking the initiative, each of them a topic in and of themselves. This book will help you navigate the stormy single sea... with a little initiative, you can do it.

The Availability Index
What men wish women knew about the signals women send.
Women have an availability index emblazoned on their foreheads letting men know whether they are even approachable. Some indices are so low it would be going into the arctic to venture there, and some are so high they come off as needy. Right in the middle is ‘the zone’ of healthy availability. We live in an era that produces women who appear strong, if only to survive. This adds to the challenge and raises a question: “How do I remain strong and still have an A.I. in the zone?”

Transforming Society
Transforming Society aims to equally cut through the despair and the hot air surrounding "discipling nations" and provide a practical approach, tried leadership and tested tools for making a better world.

For decades a group of business people have been crossing the globe to discover and implement eternal principles for business. These marketplace ministers have tried to grasp what it means to get business into God's business. This book is their story of marketplace miracles, where ordinary people do and see extraordinary things.

LEMON Leadership
LEMON Leadership will help you to identify which type of leader you are and show you how to apply your specific characteristics within your organization.Understanding these leadership types uncover keys to dealing with yourself and others in situations calling for different types of leaders.
Take the LEMON Leadership Assessment Today
Identify which type of leader you are and discover how to apply your specific characteristics within your organization. Understanding these leadership types will uncover keys to dealing with yourself and others in situations calling for different types of leaders.
Take Assessment NowClick To Download The Ebook: Ashes to Assets
In the season 2 podcast episode titled, 'Survival to Revival' Brett talks about a FREE resource called Ashes to Assets, an Ebook. Get your copy by clicking the button below.
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Follow Brett Johnson's Author profile on Amazon to stay up to date with all his latest book releases. You can also purchase all of Brett's books on this profile and browse some resources that might be useful to you.
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