Mar 24, 2021
The Lord has disciplined me severely, but He has not given me over to death. The stone the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Psalm 188:18-22
The stone the builders rejected—we know this is a prophetic truth regarding Jesus himself. But does it have a more universal application?
Think back to the things that have happened in your life—your business, career, or other aspects of your ministry—where you feel that your contribution (your stone) was rejected. People did not get who you were, what you were offering, how you could serve.
Now see how God takes what could be a stumbling block and turns it into a cornerstone, particularly if we see the discipline of rejection as having come from Him. The world's cast-offs can become God's cornerstones.
Then we will sing the triumph song:
"The hand of God has turned the tide!
The hand of God is raised in victory!
The hand of God has turned the tide!"
- Is there a stumbling block in your life?
- Is it possible that God placed it there?
- How can this be repositioned to become a cornerstone?